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Saturday | March 31 | 19:00 | 31 Henri Coanda street | Bucharest
"Prelude" at Dr. Gancevici
Tudor Bratu
Illeana Faur
Alice Gancevici
Marie-Andrée Pellerin
Andreea Peterfi
Remus Puscariu
After the discovery of the amazing Dr. Gancevici, who unbeknown to us lived amongst our midst in the center of Bucharest for almost 50 years, we have worked on indexing and archiving the wonderful inventions and discoveries that the grand Doctor left behind before his untimely death. An eccentric at heart and a visionary of mind, Dr. Gancevici has throughout his life attempted at improving the quality of the human condition. This "human condition" gravitates as we know around issues of life and death and birth and decay and it has been Dr. Gancevici's legacy to provide us with new and unexpected answers to profound and ancient questions.
The accidental discovery of Dr. Gancevici's legacy in his former house on 31 Henri Coanda Street came about when during a sunny Sunday afternoon whilst strolling the neighborhood and enjoying the spring air we found the door at Nr. 31 open and, on a whim, decided to have a look inside. It took but a glance to find ourselves dumbstruck in awe at the marvel that awaited us.
Not attempting at generating a classical archive, our labor consists mainly in reinventing and reassembling Dr. Gancevici's legacy, endeavor made difficult due to the fact that the house had been numerously vandalized after his death and prior to our discovery. As a consequence all the Doctors writings and inventions had been torn apart and scattered all over the place, dismantled and dysfunctional. Our labor became thus twofold: first, to document, index and archive the Doctor's life work, second, to attempt at an understanding of the range and intellectual scope of the great Doctor's oeuvre.
During our work we found ourselves not only retracing the steps of Dr. Gancevici's inventions, but also reinventing the original atmosphere of the moment of creation, which to us seemed to be the essence of the wonderful world Dr. Gancevici had been erecting throughout his life. We wish to now open the House at 31 Henri Coanda Street to a larger audience, through this first attempt, the Prelude, a presentation of our efforts and Dr. Gancevici's combined. We would therefore like to invite you coming Saturday, March 31st, at 1900 hours, to join in the mystery and marvel of 31 Henri Coanda Street.
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Sambata | 31 Martie | 19:00 | str. Henri Coanda nr.31 | Bucuresti
"Prelude" at Dr. Gancevici
Tudor Bratu
Illeana Faur
Alice Gancevici
Marie-Andrée Pellerin
Andreea Peterfi
Remus Puscariu
Descoperind cercetarile intreprinse de senzationalul Dr. Gancevici, care vreme de 50 de ani a dus un trai retras chiar sub ochii nostri in centrul Bucurestiului, ne-am angajat intr-un amplu proces de indexare si arhivare al spectaculoaselor sale inventii si descoperiri, tezaur pe care distinsul doctor l-a lasat in urma mortii sale premature. Echipat cu o viziune incomensurabila si o excentricitate cumplita, Dr. Gancevici si-a dedicat viata ranforsarii calitatii conditiei umane. "Conditia umana", dupa cum stim, graviteaza in jurul unor ecuatii intre viata si moarte, facere si descompunere, pe care Dr. Gancevici le-a antrenat cu succes in rezolvarile sale.
Confruntarea cu visteria lasata in urma de catre Dr. Gancevici din casa de pe Henri Coanda nr.31 a survenit accidental, cand, survoland strazile din zona intr-o duminica dupa-amiza pentru a ne bucura de aerul primavaratic, am dat peste poarta deschisa de la numarul 31 si, dintr-un capriciu, ne-am hotarat sa intram. A fost suficienta o privire pentru a ramane perplecsi in fata minunilor care ne invitau inauntru.
Distantandu-se de formula clasica a arhivarii, munca noastra s-a axat pe reinventarea si reasamblarea corpului de obiecte si cunostinte lasate in urma de Dr. Gancevici, proces dealtfel ingreunat de numeroasele vandalizari suportate de casa in urma mortii sale si anterior sosirii noastre. Drept consecinta, lucrarile gasite se aflau intr-un stadiu parazitar, zacand dezasamblate si imprastiate pe jos. Din acest moment, munca colectiva s-a organizat pe doua planuri: in primul rand documentarea, indexarea si arhivarea lucrarilor Doctorului si, in paralel, incercarea de a patrunde si intelege registrul intelectual al realizarilor sale.
Pe parcursul interventiei ne-am surprins nu doar reconstituind inventiile Doctorului, ci reinventand insasi atmosfera initiala care a servit drept context respectivei creatii. Ne dorim acum ca prin aceasta faza preliminara, a Preludiului, sa deschidem casa de pe Henri Coanda nr. 31 unui public mai larg si sa prezentam eforturile noastre combinate. Va invitam astfel sambata, 31 martie, ora 19:00, sa parcurgem impreuna misterul si miracolul din casa de pe Henri Coanda nr. 31.